Friday, March 11, 2011

Persuasive essay: Julius Caesar

Alex Durr            
Mr. Allam           
English II
11 March 2011             

Caesar Persuasive  Essay
                What is friendship? My fellow Romans, we all have very dear friends to us. Many of which we trust dearly. You will never really know who your true friends are until you see how they act when you are gone. True friends should show honesty and show respect.
                Although Brutus killed me for the good of Rome, He still killed me for power. Good friends would not kill their close friend just to gain power. I have been nothing but good to Brutus and he turns on me at the snap of a finger. You must choose wisely of whom you let get close to you.
                Brutus went behind my back to and was dishonest to me. I said to Brutus “Y tu, Brute”(III.i.84). I said this because I wanted to make sure he knew that I was disappointed in him. To show that I thought he was a true friend before and then he just betrayed me like that. No one should kill anyone, friend or not, just to gain power. To kill someone for pure power is just immoral and wrong. I am telling you this so that you don’t make the same mistake that I did by letting certain people to close to you.
                A real friend will show respect you for who you are. You don’t have to have to power just to gain respect. You need to be confident and caring to your friends. Many people take for granite of their friends. They treat them badly and that may be what turns that person against you. Brutus stated after he killed me “Ambition’s debt is paid”(III.i.90). Was I that ambitious? Did I not refuse crowning? How is this statement true?
                Romans, listen to me now. A true example of a good friend is our very own Antony. He stuck with me even after I was killed. He tried his hardest to convince you of the wrongs Brutus and the conspirators have committed. Please stay true to your friends Romans.