Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dear Caesar,

            Portia has been constantly bothering me and asking me questions. She says I have been staying up to late and she is worried about my health. She tried to talk to me about it but I quickly turned her down and waved her off. Am I doing the right thing by turning her away like that or should I just keep doing things how I am already? Please right back with advice.

                        Sincerely, Brutus

Dear Brutus,

            Sorry about your troubles, but to tell you the truth I have been having some problems of my own with the mistress. Calphurnia feels strongly about me skipping the crowning and staying home. If I wish to go to the crowning than I should be able to do what I want. If you have any advice please write back.

                        Your friend, Julius

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Dear Dr. Berry,
                Do you think that adding two extra days of school will really change anything? If more days were added to the end of the year you will have less time to spend with your family and friends. Teachers would likely just give students the extra time to study for finals. We should not have extra days of school because many people have already planned vacations and it would save the district money if we didn’t go to school for extra days.
                Some people might say that there should be extra days of school because of the knowledge we would gain, but in all honesty two days would probably change nothing. Our school district already goes to school longer than the national average. Back in the day would you of really wanted to go to school an extra, unnecessary two days. Many people have already made plans for those extra days of school.
                Many students have already planned vacations right after the school year is supposed to end. Families will have to cancel and change vacations due to this decision. Do you really want to put them through that much just so their child won’t miss their finals? Students are also involved in summer sport programs and camps. Will the district be able to afford to change all of those days and still meet state requirements? Changes in those dates will also conflict with hard earned vacations of students.
                If it is decided to extend school, than the district will end up losing money. A lot of the money lost should have been used for athletic programs and other camps. If that is what happens than you are going to make the athletes have to take time away from practice to raise more money than they already have. Neither students nor parents would be happy about that. You are going to have to pay all paras and custodians in the district extra just because you want to add another couple of days. Teachers get paid either way, so by adding more days that will make them like you less. How often do we have to extend school? It’s really not necessary. 
Think back to when you were a child, think back to all the excitement of summer, how excited you were. Do you want to deprive and delay this feeling form us students? The criteria has been met, and our goals are set, let us be free for summer!