Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Outside Reading Blog, 4th Quarter

The Body

Im not sure why the author made one of the characters almost completely blind. He also has his ears all shriveled up and can't here because his dad put his head against a stove top when he was younger. What is was the author point of doing this to a kid? Was there even a purpose?

One consequence of them going to look at a body would be being blamed for its disapearance from society. It would also be dangerous for a bunch of kids to out to the site of a dead body because the person that put it there could still be around. Who knows what the original killer has in mind?

I wonder if the kids parents will find out about the body that they find. How will the parents react if they do? Will anyone call the police about it or will they just leave it there. I wonder if the body ever disapears randomely.

If i were there I would make sure that no one else ever finds out about the body unless everyone agreed upon it. If someone else that wasn't trustworthy found out every kid that knew would be in a lot of trouble. They could get in trouble for not telling the police about a dead body found. Everyone would be in huge trouble.

I realized that the kid that told everyone was careful about it. He made sure that everyone could sleepover before he told them that he found a body. That was smart of him because you would not want a story like that to leak out. There is no room for mistakes for an issue like that.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Riddle Poem

I am skinny
I am wet
Rain falls on me,
now that you should get

I love the feeling of the pelt, pelt, pelt
I hate when its dry,
and becomes a drought
Open every time,
there isn't a doubt

When wind comes strong,
and begins to blow,
I fly away and
there I go.

Acrostic Poem

Athlete and from
Excellent movie is
Durrtay the call me
Unfair are
Rollin around hangin with my friends

Letter to Mom and Dad

Alex Durr
March 31, 2011

Mom and Dad
Dear Mom and Dad:
What can 30 minutes do? I don’t understand why you lowered my curfew to 11:30 in the first place? 30 minute doesn’t change much except it makes me more upset with you. I think that my curfew should be changed back to 12:00 because you should be able to trust your own son to be safe and I am usually inside someone’s house and off the roads at night.
            You may say “nothing good happens after 12:00.” That doesn’t make sense with what I am saying because I will be home by 12:00. You may also say that I don’t communicate with you enough, but I am working on it and it wouldn’t hurt to text me first sometimes.
            I am always safe when I am out. I always drive safely when I am with my friends. I don’t speed or swerve on the roads. I also don’t go far away from home. When I go out I don’t get into trouble either. My TPing days are over, so you don’t need to worry about that. For the majority of the time I am not even on the streets.
             I always work hard for school during the week. I get good grades and I try my hardest during school, I think it should be a reward for me to stay out longer on the weekends. When I am hanging out with my friends I go to people’s houses. What could go wrong when I am inside someone’s house?  Many nights we have ping pong tournaments and play XBOX. Most of my friends have curfews of 12:00. That means that I always have to leave early. I always have to leave in the middle a ping pong tournament or a poker game.
            I understand I am your son and you have concerns for me but I think that I am old enough to handle myself and avoid bad situations. There really aren’t a lot of cars out that late and I don’t drive very far. I am willing to pitch in a little more around the house if it means I can stay out longer. I am a responsible teenager now, why would you not let me show it to you?


Alex Durr