Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Letter to Mom and Dad

Alex Durr
March 31, 2011

Mom and Dad
Dear Mom and Dad:
What can 30 minutes do? I don’t understand why you lowered my curfew to 11:30 in the first place? 30 minute doesn’t change much except it makes me more upset with you. I think that my curfew should be changed back to 12:00 because you should be able to trust your own son to be safe and I am usually inside someone’s house and off the roads at night.
            You may say “nothing good happens after 12:00.” That doesn’t make sense with what I am saying because I will be home by 12:00. You may also say that I don’t communicate with you enough, but I am working on it and it wouldn’t hurt to text me first sometimes.
            I am always safe when I am out. I always drive safely when I am with my friends. I don’t speed or swerve on the roads. I also don’t go far away from home. When I go out I don’t get into trouble either. My TPing days are over, so you don’t need to worry about that. For the majority of the time I am not even on the streets.
             I always work hard for school during the week. I get good grades and I try my hardest during school, I think it should be a reward for me to stay out longer on the weekends. When I am hanging out with my friends I go to people’s houses. What could go wrong when I am inside someone’s house?  Many nights we have ping pong tournaments and play XBOX. Most of my friends have curfews of 12:00. That means that I always have to leave early. I always have to leave in the middle a ping pong tournament or a poker game.
            I understand I am your son and you have concerns for me but I think that I am old enough to handle myself and avoid bad situations. There really aren’t a lot of cars out that late and I don’t drive very far. I am willing to pitch in a little more around the house if it means I can stay out longer. I am a responsible teenager now, why would you not let me show it to you?


Alex Durr

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