Friday, May 20, 2011

Grade Reflection Essay

My motivation to get an “A” is like a cheetah’s motivation to catch prey for it’s children. I try hard every day. I always do my best. I deserve an “A” in this class because I have made much progress from the beginning of the year and I do all my assignments.

Some may say I deserve a “B” for doing one blog incorrectly. Think about it, one blog should not sabotage somebody’s grade like that. That kind of mistake should definitely not change somebody’s grade by a whole letter. Just imagine how much progress I have made.

The progress I have made in this class is tremendous. Practicing Greek/Latin Roots every week helped me a great amount on KMAT testing. Also, I did terrible on the practice KMAT, but from all the practice and help, I was able to score high when the actual KMAT came around. At first, Shakespeare was like Batman defeating the Joker, it was hard at first and took many attempts before I could really get it down. After days of practicing, I was able to conquer the task.

Every day I come to class prepared and ready to go. I have not missed one assignment all year. To go all year without missing an assignment takes dedication and great motivation. Many students find it difficult to complete the task that I have done. I also apply myself to your class every day. When questions are asked I do my best to answer them. I share my opinion on gallery walks that we evaluate and I am not afraid of what people may think. While submerged in a class argument I always participate and state my opinion clearly without hesitation.

The grade I deserve is clear 
Its black and white, not grey
I can’t wait ‘till my parents hear
The grade I deserve is an “A”
And remember, cheetah’s never miss their prey.

The Body Video Blog

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Someday I wish to play under the lights
Spend the whole time gettin after the ball
The joy of competing on Friday nights

If things get crazy, can I handle the fights
Don't get afraid no matter big nor tall
Someday I wish to play under the lights

I am a man I do not show my frights
Can not wait for the coach to make the call
The joy of competing on Friday nights

My video on the news, my highlights
Can not get passed me, I am a stonewall
 Someday I wish to play under the lights

Game is getting intense, then it ignites
Hope it gets crazy, maybe start a brawl
The joy of competing on Friday nights

We'll go hard till the end, with all our mights
Thirty seconds left, need a little stall
Someday I wish to play under the lights
The joy of competing on Friday nights

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sonnet 1

Who might possibly be my favorite team?
They run fast, go hard, and are quite speedy
They do well no matter how bad they seem
They have great strength no matter how bloody

They have many of the best backs around
The great wide receivers go hard as well
They sneak around you without any sound
The game is football so get up and yell

They are the almighty of the midwest
Broncos, Chargers, and Raiders are their foes
Division AFC, they are the best
Two lines up is something everyone knows

My team is the Chiefs, let's go red and white
Right here is the feeling that feels just right