Friday, May 20, 2011

Grade Reflection Essay

My motivation to get an “A” is like a cheetah’s motivation to catch prey for it’s children. I try hard every day. I always do my best. I deserve an “A” in this class because I have made much progress from the beginning of the year and I do all my assignments.

Some may say I deserve a “B” for doing one blog incorrectly. Think about it, one blog should not sabotage somebody’s grade like that. That kind of mistake should definitely not change somebody’s grade by a whole letter. Just imagine how much progress I have made.

The progress I have made in this class is tremendous. Practicing Greek/Latin Roots every week helped me a great amount on KMAT testing. Also, I did terrible on the practice KMAT, but from all the practice and help, I was able to score high when the actual KMAT came around. At first, Shakespeare was like Batman defeating the Joker, it was hard at first and took many attempts before I could really get it down. After days of practicing, I was able to conquer the task.

Every day I come to class prepared and ready to go. I have not missed one assignment all year. To go all year without missing an assignment takes dedication and great motivation. Many students find it difficult to complete the task that I have done. I also apply myself to your class every day. When questions are asked I do my best to answer them. I share my opinion on gallery walks that we evaluate and I am not afraid of what people may think. While submerged in a class argument I always participate and state my opinion clearly without hesitation.

The grade I deserve is clear 
Its black and white, not grey
I can’t wait ‘till my parents hear
The grade I deserve is an “A”
And remember, cheetah’s never miss their prey.

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